Parcel Cage
Tracking Solution

Couriers, postal distributors and parcel loaders require efficient use of their resources to meet growing demand. Gain visibility of your assets and improve your bottom line through operational efficiency and loss reduction.

People working in post offices with cages that use parcel cage tracking solutions

Benefits of Thinxtra’s
Parcel Cage Tracking Solution​

Thinxtra’s Supply Chain Management Solutions for parcel cage tracking provide transparency across the parcel cage life cycle.  

Fit-for-purpose IoT devices attached to your parcel cages, and connected to the Thinxtra 0G Network, provide essential data about movement or location. Data can be sent at regular time intervals or only when certain events occur, such as movement outside defined geofences.  

Data insights help you to respond with speed and certainty to build the resilience needed to assure service delivery at lowest possible cost.

Operational Efficiency

Reduce handling cost by knowing the location and status of your Parcel Cage assets.

Improve Utilisation

Ensure Parcel Cage availability where they are required through remote stock take.

Reduce Loss

Identify easily the location of assets both inside and outside your supply chain.

Customer Experience

Increase the visibility of cages and parcels throughout the supply chain.

Cover of eBook smart supply chains

Internet of Things (IoT)

Enabling the Connected Supply Chain

Your guide to unlocking the hidden value of IoT for Supply Chain Operations. Practical insights and lessons learned from real IoT deployments at scale.

How Thinxtra Solves Parcel Cage Tracking Problems

Devices are easily attached to your parcel cages .​

Your assets will report location daily using the Thinxtra 0G Network.​

Gain operational insights about the operation of your fleet of cages.​

Identify and prevent loss, and improve your customers' experience.​

Locate, Track & Trace:
Always know where your parcel cages Are​

Turnkey Solutions tailored for you: Devices, Network Connectivity, Data Platform and local service​

Range of IoT solutions for parcel cage tracking

Why Thinxtra: End-to-
end access to insight

Thinxtra delivers scalable, cost-effective and flexible parcel cage solution:

Are you looking for an End-to-end solution?

Contact us if you want to learn more about how our IoT solutions are helping companies reduce cost, increase visibility and improve operational efficiency to provide a better customer experience across local, national and international supply chains.

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